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Today at a Glance:

Visuals by @drex_jpg

Want to accelerate your career? Write better. Period.

Study the lives and practices of today’s most successful entrepreneurs, financiers, and builders and you’ll find one common trait: a deep, visceral understanding of the importance of powerful, efficient, high-leverage writing.

Jeff Bezos famously installed memo writing as a mainstay of Amazon’s business culture. Prior to kicking off a meeting, attendees would be asked to read and digest several pages of written memos from the meeting leads. Why? Bezos deeply believed in the value of these memos, not only for the uninformed participants, but also for the meeting leads to clarify their thinking through the writing process.

Warren Buffett famously writes an annual shareholder letter, distilling insights on billions of dollars in investments into a single memo.

The list of writing advocates goes on and on…

Why? These leaders know that powerful writing isn't an accident—clear writing is clear thinking.

In this piece, I will attempt to deconstruct the four key principles of powerful business writing…

They are as follows: