There’s no one way to write a newsletter.

But there are best practices you can use to write a newsletter people will want to open, read, subscribe to, and share with others.

The following newsletter tips are based on what’s helped me grow my For The Interested newsletter to 18,000+ subscribers and made it the engine for my business.

How To Pick A Newsletter Topic

Success always starts with a goal and that’s especially true when it comes to newsletters.

Before choosing your newsletter topic, first consider your overall goal – why write a newsletter in the first place?

To grow your audience? Serve your customers? Generate leads? Drive sales?

Choose a newsletter topic that will attract the audience you need to reach to accomplish that goal.

Then, decide what specific value you can provide to them through your newsletter and make that your newsletter topic.

Your newsletter’s success depends on your ability to provide value to an audience, not your ability to extract it from them.

How do you know what they’ll value?

In most cases, value is rooted in transformation.

If your newsletter topic helps your audience get from Point A to Point B, it will transform them and that’s valuable.

Try to fill in the blanks on this sentence:

My newsletter will help [Target Audience] solve [Problem/Challenge] by sharing [Content/Solution].

How To Write A Newsletter Subject Line

If people don’t open your newsletter, it doesn’t matter how well written it is.