The OPSP template stands for One Page Strategic Plan. It helps you to figure out the the short-term steps that will help you to scale your business in the long-term.

At the bottom of OPSP template you have your business's Core Values.

These are commitments you make with your employees and users. They are enduring and never changing, even if the products or services you offer do.

Next is the Core Purpose; this is the why we do what we do. The work we actually do may change through the years, but why we do what we do should last for a very long time.

Similar to your Core Values, the Core Purpose is enduring and long term.

The next area to tackle would be the BHAG. Where do you want the company to be in 10-30 years? This is your Mount Everest as Jim Collins refers to it. Having this compelling Vision can help attract and retain the right people and motivate them to work toward your long-term goals.

Then, setting your 3-5 year Winning Moves that help your company make progress to accomplish the long-term goals of the BHAG.




Setting the foundation of Core Values and Core Purpose for principles that never change establishes a solid foundation to build upon.

Setting a long term BHAG gives you a pinnacle or Holy Grail to work towards.

Then, establishing your 3-5 year Winning Moves help you to get there in manageable increments.

Once we have set our 3-5 year goals, we also want to establish some measurable Targets that help us track the progress we are making.